

This is an overview paper describing the data and evaluation scheme of the VISCERAL Segmentation Challenge at ISBI 2015. The challenge was organized on a cloud-based virtual- machine environment, where each participant could develop and submit their algorithms. The dataset contains up to 20 anatomical structures annotated in a training and a test set consisting of CT and MR images with and without contrast enhancement. The test-set is not accessible to participants, and the organizers run the virtual-machines with submitted segmentation methods on the test data. The results of the evaluation are then presented to the participant, who can opt to make it public on the challenge leaderboard displaying 20 segmentation quality metrics per-organ and permodality. Dice coefficient and mean-surface distance are presented herein as representative quality metrics. As a continuous evaluation platform, our segmentation challenge leaderboard will be open beyond the duration of the VISCERAL project.

