
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland - Sion (HES-SO Valais/Wallis) has installed in its hydraulic laboratory a new universal test rig to assess hydraulic performances of different types of small-power axial and radical-axial turbines and/or pumps (up to 10kW), valves as well as other components of hydraulic systems. The IEC 60193 standard recommendations are implemented. The closed-loop hydraulic circuit is fed by three recirculating multistage centrifugal pumps (with variable speed), connected in parallel, that can deliver a maximum discharge of 45 m3/h and a maximum pressure of 160 mWC. The pressurized reservoir installed downstream the test section allows simulating different implantation levels of the model and therefore recovering the cavitation performances as well. The operation of the test rig is controlled with an automatic system through a customized Labview® interface that allows for real-time measurement and dispaly instantaneous values of pumps speed, flow discharge, testing head, water temperature and Thoma number. The main contribution of this paper is to introduce a state-of-the-art approach of an autoamtic regulation for test rigs. The full capabilities of a National Instruments cRIO-9074 are used to develop an autonomous regulation system based on real time measurements in order to keep constant the value of the desired parameters. In addition, a special care is put on the wireless communication architecture between the hydraulic test rig and further measurement/monitoring systems (e.g. testing model control system). Meanwhile, the test rig control system manages a dedicated cloud of variables and makes them available for client systems. Finally, such approach allows for safe data centralization, storage and sharing on model testing.

