

The universality check of Büchi automata is a foundational problem in automata-based formal verification, closely related to the complementation problem, and is known to be PSPACE-complete. This article introduces a novel approach for creating labelled datasets of Büchi automata concerning their universality. We start with small automata, where the universality check can still be algorithmically performed within a reasonable timeframe, and then apply transformations that provably preserve (non-)universality while increasing their size. This approach enables the generation of large datasets of labelled Büchi automata without the need for an explicit and computationally intensive universality check. We subsequently employ these generated datasets to train Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) for the purpose of classifying automata with respect to their (non-)universality. The classification results indicate that such a network can learn patterns related to the behaviour of Büchi automata that facilitate the recognition of universality. Additionally, our results on randomly generated automata, which were not constructed using the transformation techniques, demonstrate the network’s potential in classifying Büchi automata with respect to universality, extending its applicability beyond cases generated using a specific technique.

