

This chapter illustrates the diversity of methods and tools available for developing a geoprospective approach, and, through them, the variety of ways to introduce the spatial dimension in scenarios, simulations, and collective thinking. A number of methods, such as modeling, are not specific to geoprospective. The perspective adopted is to shine the light on what their use in geoprospective entails: the specific constraints and the new questions raised relating to the weight of past evolutions, to the unforeseen, to uncertainty. In addition to the models of the land use and cover change (LUCC) type and companion modeling, this chapter gives much importance to the following new approaches which are hitherto hardly used in geoprospective: scenarios integrating various territorial scales, modeling of the decision-making process coupled with prospective spatial modeling, geoprospective based on causal probabilistic models, graphic modeling, prospective choremes, immersive and 3D simulation in landscapes of the future.

