
The new 4 m Turkish telescope, DAG (East Anatolian Observatory, Fig. 2), will be located on the summit of the mountain Konaklı-Karakaya, at an altitude of 3170 m, near the city of Erzurum, Turkey. First light is expected for August 2020. The telescope is a multi-purpose instrument, and will run observations both in the visible (VIS) and near infrared (NIR) domains, in seeing limited (SL) and adaptive optics (AO) correction mode. In his paper, status updates from DAG telescope will be presented in terms of; (i) DAG telescope optics, (ii) Nasmyth focal planes and platforms, (iii) current progress of the telescope, (iii) current progress of enclosure, (iv) current progress of the observatory building, (v) current process of the astronomical instruments & tendering phase, and (Vi) status of the Optomechatronics Research Laboratory – OPAL.

