

We discuss in this paper the last results of our adaptive optics point spread function reconstruction (PSF-R) project at theW. M. Keck Observatory. Objective of the project are recalled, followed by a short reintroduction of the basis of the method. Amongst the novelties, a method for a drastic reduction of the number of the so-called Ui,j functions for any pupil shape and an arbitrary number of actuators is presented, making the current PSF-R technique easily applicable to extremely large telescopes AO systems. Our success at reconstructing the PSF in bright natural guide star (NGS) conditions is revisited in details and confirmed. First results on PSF-R with faint NGS are presented and it is shown that our reconstructed PSF Strehl ratio drops with the NGS magnitude basically like the measured sky performance. These preliminary but encouraging results, in real conditions, can be considered as a validation of our PSF-R approach. Plans for the next steps of the project are discussed at the end of this progress report.

