

The topic of work-to-family is not new to researchers or practitioners , but what is not yet known is what affects the degree to which people are tolerant of work to family interruptions, and whether this matters for individual and organizational outcomes. In this paper , building on a previous measure of work - family interruption behaviors we develop th e construct “tolerance for work-to-family interruptions” (TWFI) defined as “the ability to handle un planned and unexpected work to family interruptions without feeling bothered.” B ased on conservation of resources theory we postulate - and find support for - the antecedents and consequences of TWFI tested on a sample of 626 supervisor - subordinate dyads in two organizations in El Salvador. Both work - family friendly culture and supervisor behaviors enhance tolerance for work - family interruptions. Such tole rance also leads to greater satisfaction with work - family balance, work engagement and job performance. Th e relationship s between tolerance, satisfaction with work - family balance and work engagement are stronger for people who report more (rather than less) actual interrupting behaviors. Implications for research and practice are discussed.

