
Background: There is a paucity of research investigating the experiences of nurses using a standardised skin tears programme and the influence that such a programme has on their clinical practice. The available literature is primarily in English, and there is a lack of validated instruments for use in other languages, including French. Aim : The aim of this study is to translate and cross-culturally adapt an original English language survey conducted among Australian nurses into Swiss French. Method/results : A structured methodological approach was used to translate, adapt and validate the survey based on Sousa and Rojjanasrirat’s translating process: (1) two independent bilingual experts were involved in the translation from English to Swiss French, and a synthesis version from both translations in Swiss French was obtained; (2) a blind back-translation of the synthesis version in English by two experts was completed, and consensus attained by a committee, to generate a pre-final version of the survey in Swiss French; (3) validation of the translated version was provided by postgraduate wound care students. Conclusion : The translated Swiss French 2020 survey is now ready to be used to assess the clinical reasoning of wound care specialists on the prevention.

