

Recent changes in climate have led to an increased exposure of glacial archaeological artefacts due to the melting of glaciers and ice patches. Here we calculated Least Cost Paths (LCPs) between archaeologically significant locations in Switzerland and Italy using a Least Cost Path Analysis (LCPA) method in which cost rasters were first calibrated at a study site near Haut-Val de Réchy, Switzerland to develop a prehistoric cost raster. Tools were used to calculate the LCPs based on DEM-derived slope using Tobler’s anisotropic hiking function and landcover. Our results have since provided a focus for prehistoric glacial archaeological prospection in the Pennine Alps of central Europe, as well as led to the discovery of an artefact from the Bronze Age (~2,800 years BP). This methodology could be used as an example for identifying additional sites of prehistoric glacial archaeological remains around the world.

